Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Be the Sculptor!!

When Life throws Stones at you
Don't just 'Pass them On'
But be the Sculptor
Who Sculp that Stones
To turn them as an Amazing Statues
Cos every Stone has a Statue in it
Discovered by Chiseling it
And every Beating Brings out it's Beauty
To give them Form & to tell your Story
To Stand Erect as a Trophy
And to perpetuate your Memory
To Inspire & to live long...

That Obstacles are Stones
That Offenses are Stones
That Failures are Stones
That Heartaches are Stones
That Sicknesses are Stones
That Disturbances are Stones
That Misfortunes are Stones
That Crushing's are Stones
That Beatings are Stones

Be the Sculptor!
Sculp that Stones
To Speak of your Story
Be the Sculptor!!!

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

It Costs us High!!

It Costs us High
To Shake it Off
All the Fears and Failures
To get Strength to our Wings
To Soar high in the Heavens
Above all Odds & Offenses

It Costs you High
To feel lighter 
To just Jump in
And Dive deep into yourself
To find that absolute stillness
Where you can hear
That silent whisper of your Heart
Of what it thinks of you 
How much it Loves you
And the Treasures it had for you

It Costs us High
Costs our Struggles & Strength
Costs our Presence & Patience
Costs our Hope
And on the other side...
It's all worth it!!

Friday, 16 November 2018

Move On!!!

Our Destiny is not Decided 
by the Winds or Waves

We've got Strength to move Against the Flow
to reach our Destiny...
to meet our Purpose....

But on a Stormy Day
When the Strength in us is no more Sufficient...
to move ahead....
Then just Go with the Flow....

Because we can't stop the Storm...
Or could change the direction of Wind
And we don't want to get Lost....
So just Go with the Flow!!

It might cause a Bit Delay
But not the End...

Don't get Stuck...
Just Move On!!!!!

#life #strom #moveon

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Colors & Shades

I had many Colors in Me
And I've got many Shades of Me

I had my Own Style
And I deal with Different People in Different Manner

If you say I'm Acting
I say it's Art of Living

If you say it's Attitude 
I say it's Savage

If you say it's Ugly
I say I'm Rainbow

If you say I'm Wrong
I say there is no such thing called Perfection

If you say it's Bad
I say it's an Illusion

Just know that...

Someone's Opinion
Won't decide Our Character!!

Someone's Tag Line
Won't decide Our Worth!!

Someone's Story
Won't Decide Our Reality!!

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Unconditional Love❤❤

You gave me Unconditional Love
But I gave you conditional yes to Your calling

You gave me Life
But I choose death

You gave me Good
But I choose Evil

You gave me Freedom
But I choose Bondage

You gave me Wisdom
But I choose Foolishness

You gave me Light
But I choose Darkness to dwell

You gave me Heaven
But I choose the World

And there came a day
Where all my choices
Threw me into the Pit
Into Vanity
Into Confusion 
Where all my illusions got burst
And put me infront of nude Reality
That broke my Heart
Covered me with guilt and condemnation
Left me barren
Where I couldn't forgive myself
Or accept myself for who I am
Even death got no solution for me

That moment when my soul was wandering
Of no meaning & no destiny
When it is weeping within it
At that moment I could hear a silent whisper of Yours
Saying that "My child I love you"
And your Destiny is in me

You've helped me find 
The Fullness of Life
The Bliss of Life
The Perfect Happiness
Which you've kept within me....

How good You are!!
Above all the Heavens
God there's no one like You!!

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Let it Go

Most times we hardly try
To squeeze ourselves or
To stretch ourselves 
To fit into something
Or into someone else's requirement

Yes sometimes it's okay
But when it costs your life
Your identity &
Your freedom...
Then just be bold to Let Go...

And keep waiting
Until you'll get a position
Into Which 
Only you 
The real you
With all your pros and cons
Would exactly fit....

#standstill #letgo #justbeU

Wednesday, 10 October 2018


There is always Hope...
Though the situations seems like dried up
With no resources
And left alone
Like desert
But as the cactus plant Bloom in the desert
Just Bloom where you're placed
Don't look unto the situations
Make the best out of worst
In every situation you face...


Saturday, 6 October 2018

Dedicated to famous Violinist Balabhaskar Ji...


We fly high in the sky
We cross the continents
We reach the moon
We brought world at fingertips
We made things so magical out of mind
But yet!
This one thing is a greatest mystery 
The one thing that we fail to define
That's LIFE
We can't help but just
Make sure to fit in the box
In which life throws us into

Life seems like so pleasant 
Going so perfectly
with all the bliss
But suddenly
Within the blink of an eyes
The heavy winds
Hits us badly, causing shipwreck
Turn everything upside-down
By the time we are alarmed
Our loved ones are already lost forever
Leaving behind memories to carry
Giving some courage to move on

It all starts as Magic
And end is always a mystery

We can't help but just
Make sure to fit in the box
In which life throws us into

Dedicated to Violinist Balabhaskar Chandran and to Lil daughter who lost life in major accident.. RIP Sir

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Dear Zindagi...

Dear Life!!
You're so beautiful &
So new every single day
You bring beauty to every creature
And even you make the stones to dance
When you get into them...

We can experience you
And we can narrate every moment
But we can't define you
Cos, you're beyond any definition

You're like a sweet Lie
You just Bloom like Bud
And falls away withering
You're like a beautiful Rainbow
With all the colors and magic
But you just fade away in a while
You're like a glittery color paper
In the hands of magician
Appears one way &
Dissappears the other way...

We the human beings
Sometimes we laugh
Sometimes we cry
We love each other
We express all our emotions
We are so blissful and beautiful
As long as you are in us

But you know what!
You are villain too...
Yes you are!
You just leave us ruthlessly
Somewhere in our journey
And you see us laying down
Like a stone with no movements

Yet! you're so sweet
Cos, you're nothing 
But the magic in the hands of the Creator
You just listen to your master
And that's your Beauty
Love you
Dear Zindagi...

Saturday, 18 August 2018

How good it would be!! If my Heart could speak!!

How good it would be!!
If my Heart could speak!!

❤ How good it would be...
If my heart could raise its voice...
If my heart could speak...
If my heart could express itself...
If my heart could be projected over screen...
If my heart could put its emotions in words...
If my heart could show the tears behind the smile...
If my heart could pop-up the questions behind silence...
If my heart could narrate the pain of loneliness...
If my heart could measure the wages of being innocent/good...

❤ How good it would be...
If my heart could explain the suffering... 
If my heart could demonstrate it's situation...
If my heart could reveal it's hidden stories...
If my heart could scream aloud... 
If my heart could delete off all bad things...
If my heart could wash off all impurities...
If my heart could show its pain of being judged for no reason...
If my heart could speak and say how hard it is to accept failures...
If my heart could explain the pain of rejection...
If my heart could put in words on how bitterness kills and loneliness pulls down...
If my heart could direct a movie called life...
If my heart could get medicine to forget all odds of life...

❤ How good it would be...
If my heart could finish up its tears at once so that no more tears to cry again & again...
If my heart could say how eagerly it was waiting to live rather than to act...
If my heart could give honest answer for the question "how are you?"...
If my heart could explain how difficult it is to always say "yes" for everything as I had no choice but just one option...
If my heart could show how painful the beat of chiseling is...
If my heart could explain how difficult it is to wait for ages just to be fruitful...

Sometimes in our Voyage of Life.... Our boat get struck in cyclones and could no more move ahead...
Situations pull us down in heart, by squeezing away our courage....

We loose the only hope of Life and could hope no more..
Never Stop the Journey at any point...Whatever may be the obstacles you face..
Just keep going ahead 'searching' for one or the other Means to move ahead...
Also 'Never Stop searching' for the Exact Means  until you get into it & reach your  Destiny....

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Waiting for you my Sunshine❤

I believe in miracles
And I know you'll be one 
It's worth waiting
For that magical moment
Of meeting you
Holding your hands
And promise each other
To be one forever 
I know this one thing
One day we will
Cuddle each other tightly 
And read this....
That day is close I believe
I'm dreaming 
I'm thinking
I'm flying high with you...
You're in my heart
With no idea who you are
How you are...
Cos the passing clouds hid you
But one day you'll shine brighter 
To reach me and
To be with me forevermore...
And that day is so close I believe...
This waiting is sweet
And those dreams are sweet
Sometimes I feel
And I wish
I could see my future
To see you in that...
My sunshine
I'm waiting for you...
I know you'll love me as I am
You'll accept me as I am
You'll know my scars and my flaws
Still you say I Love U
Cos I'm yours...
I wish I could see you in my 
Dream tonight....
Come soon my boy
I'm waiting for you. ....

Monday, 19 March 2018

Secret of Happiness...

Secret of Happiness

There is something greater in you
For what you've been searching 
For what you're running so far 
That love, joy, peace, happiness...
Is right in you....

The whole system became a cyclic process...
 It starts with Birth
Then comes education
Then comes profession 
Then comes marriage 
Then comes children
Again next generation 
The same cycle

Yes obviously 
Rich people do it in a better way
Yet falls on same cycle
It goes and goes...
Mankind is running and running... 
No matter what
Facing all the odds
Fueling with hope
Hope that pushes ahead 

To make one more step ahead
To reach the highest point
To experience greatest joy 
To make innerman happy
This goes until we reach that pinnacle 
To that highest point...
Taking all the pain...
And finally gets to the point 
Hoo Yeah yes yes!!
Feel like I've conquered the world

But it takes no time to realize
That it's nothing
And this pinnacle can never satisfy 
The thirst in me...
The hope of getting something greater
Brought me this high and this far...
After all, here I find nothing...
Now comes the real challenge...
To move ahead no more steps higher 
To get down no hope left..

The bitterness of truth is tasted
All the questions prick you
All the thoughts stirs you 
Life seems miserable
Technically called Depression
Can't express the pain in words
Science had medicine for this so far
Technology had no solution for this

Unfortunately some people ends 
The race of life at this pinnacle..
Some people are fortunate enough
To be kicked down from the pinnacle 
Yes it hurts very badly and
We come to the same point we started

After hard way you realise 
the reality of life that
For what you have been searching 
For what you have been running 
Yes that happiness, power, love, strength 
Everything is in you, Yes!
There is something greater in you
Than that is in the world
Yes God has kept everything in you

How much far we run 
The same distance we have to get back
The more we climb
Such is the pain of falling
It doesn't mean that
You don't try at all
Or doesn't mean you just sit dumb

But wakeup
Reverse the gear 
Let the innerman drive you to your destiny 
Rather than the cyclic system of the world
Then you'll experience
The true colors of ZINDAGI

Friday, 2 March 2018

Aeh Mere Dil❤ tu sun

Aeh Mere Dil tu Sun 

Aeh Mere Dil❤ tu sun....
Hey my heart listen to me
Today I've something to say

Hey my beautiful heart 
You're Blooming all the time
With gracefulness as your beauty
You're the treasure above priceless art
Inspire me to be kind
Puts the smile on my face
And makes me more magnificent

Hey my heart you're my strength
When I'm down
As the new day dawning
you gently whisper to me
Arise Shine it's your day
And make sure I'll always move on...
To just move matter what...

Hey my heart you're my light
You give me song each new day
That makes me radiant
Carries me away to the heavens
When darkness hovers over my life
You become my light

Hey heart know that I'm there for you
Hey heart I know that you are so lovely
Hey my heart I know that you're so sweet
Yes I know that you're filled with compassion
Yes I know that you so pure
Yet this one question is disturbing you
Why this hurt to me?

Hey heart I know you had pain in u
Hey heart sometimes it's okay
Allow this process
Hey my sweet heart just trust me...
Everything will be alright...
Hey heart this is just process..
Not at all permanent..

Get ready my dear heart
To be radiant
To be thrilled and sweet with joy..
For your greatest desires 
Are coming true very soon..
The crazy dreams that made you awake
Is coming true now...

My lovely heart trust me 
For one more time...
Yes I know you've been trusting me
All these years..
Though you've been squeezed
Yet when I said it's OK my sweetheart 
The best is yet to come
Yes you trusted me...
This one sentence I was keep on repeating 
Yet you trust my words
Hey heart you'll never gonna fail
And I'll never gonna put you down

Yes my heart I know that
You're gonna be my strength 
You're gonna be my light
You're gonna be my love
And I know your secret 
That you're the temple of the Living God
And it's all about Him...
The one who lives and reigns in you...

All Glory, Honour & Praises to Him alone...

Shweta Saanvi

Friday, 16 February 2018

Arise...Awake...Make a move..


Have you ever took a bold decision?
Ever did your Dream scared you?
Did you ever asked yourself 
What is the purpose of my life?
What is my destiny?
For what I'm here?
It's your time now...

Arise..Awake..Make a Move...
Never expect the miracles to happen
Sitting in your comfort zone
Adapted to circumstances all around
Compromising for everything
Setting boundaries for yourself
Giving wrong inputs to your mind
Limiting your capacity
Your damn past 
Will never decide your future

Arise...Awake...Make a Move...
There something greater potential in you
You are able to make the difference 
You are destined to conquer 
Give life to that crazy dreams
Say to that negative voice
That I Am more than conqueror
Break the barriers
Turn your obstacle to opportunity
This is the day.. This is that moment
Arise...Awake...Make a move...

Arise...Awake...Make a Move...
To take that
One bold decision
One step of courage
One crazy dream
One super confession
That changes your destiny forever
That takes you where you're destined to be
That wakes up that creator in you
Yes This is the day...This is the moment
Arise...Awake.. Make a move...

Don't expect the change
First you become that change
Don't expect the miracle...
Be that miracle...
Don't expect someone's help
Rather help someone...
Don't let your expectations pull you down
Don't expect that expectations would happen
This is the day... This is the moment...
Arise...Awake...Make a Move...

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

To my Love❤

❤To My Love❤

Hey my boy❤
You're my sunshine
Blossom of my heart
Beauty of my dream
Color of my life

Hey my boy❤
I'm dreaming of you
Come soon I'm waiting for you
To love you whole
To gift my heart

Hey my boy❤
How long do you hide
Come on my way
I will show you
How much I love you

Hey my boy❤
I know you're searching for me
Here I am
Waiting for you
I know you'll find me soon

Hey my boy❤
I promise you that
I'll fall in love with you
Every single day
Make you special all the time

Hey my boy❤
Come hold my hands
Come hug me closely
Come walk with me
Let's go crazy together

Hey my boy❤
I asked God
To give the best one on my side
You know what?
God said YES!!!

Hey my boy❤
Let's wait upon Lord
When our time comes
We meet each other
And the journey starts...

Magic between two hearts
Unity of two souls
Oneness of two bodies
Love that binds everything
Hey my boy❤
Yes we will make it..

Hey my boy❤
Want to go for long ride with you
Want to do crazy adventure with you
Want to be like myself with you
Like a small kid wanna play with you..
Come let's make it my boy❤
Come let's grow old together❤

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

There is a Hope

There is a Hope

Things might be messed up
Life is not the way you expected it to be
To live it might be so difficult
Still there is a Hope

Loved ones might misunderstood
People might have left you
And your heart is broken with loneliness
Still there is a Hope

After working so hard with heart & soul
And you get nothing out of it
Everything went in vain
Still there is a Hope

When past is pricking
Present is painful
And future makes no meaning
Still there is a Hope

The one whom you trusted more
With the one whom you dreamt your future
Left you all alone
Still there is a Hope

When failures come
Like an unexpected cyclone
Hits you very badly
Still there is a Hope

When dreams got scattered
Life got no meaning
And Lost yourself
Still there is a Hope

Yes there is a Hope
To take one more step ahead
To move on no matter what
To bounce back
To prove to yourself

There is a Hope