Dear Life!!
You're so beautiful &
You're so beautiful &
So new every single day
You bring beauty to every creature
And even you make the stones to dance
When you get into them...
We can experience you
And we can narrate every moment
But we can't define you
Cos, you're beyond any definition
You're like a sweet Lie
You just Bloom like Bud
And falls away withering
You're like a beautiful Rainbow
With all the colors and magic
But you just fade away in a while
You're like a glittery color paper
In the hands of magician
Appears one way &
Dissappears the other way...
We the human beings
Sometimes we laugh
Sometimes we cry
We love each other
We express all our emotions
We are so blissful and beautiful
As long as you are in us
But you know what!
You are villain too...
Yes you are!
You just leave us ruthlessly
Somewhere in our journey
And you see us laying down
Like a stone with no movements
Yet! you're so sweet
Cos, you're nothing
But the magic in the hands of the Creator
You just listen to your master
And that's your Beauty
Love you
Dear Zindagi...