Thursday, 10 January 2019

In Love with Nature❤

I had a Secret Crush on you❤
To Jump in & Gussy up...
To fly on the airy cloud...
To see other side of my World...
To Explore and to Experience
Ammil  Crizzle
Shuckle  Ickle
Honeyfur  Clinkerbell
Ohhh come let's Sneak away!!!

It's Okay.. Just Move on!!

It's okay to make Mistakes 
It's okay to make Wrong Choices
It's okay to mute the Mind
It's okay to listen to your Heart
It's okay being not too Logical Always
It's okay even if we Believe a Fool
It's okay to be like Kid Sometimes
It's okay to Fall Asleep in the Noon
It's okay to sit Dumb & Numb for Sometime
It's okay to Cryoff for Nothing
It's okay to be Lazy
It's okay to Dream like Crazy
It's okay to Break the Rules

It's okay to Reject
It's okay to Accept
It's okay to Stay Calm
It's okay to Raise your Voice
It's okay to Leave the Old
It's okay to Washoff all Memories
It's okay to Start Everything New
It's okay to Love Yourself
It's okay to Say you're Great
It's okay to see Yourself High
It's okay to take a Break
It's okay to Run Away
It's okay to Say Goodbye
It's Okay!! Just Move on!!
It's Absolutely Okay!!
It's Okay to be not Okay!!

Few things might cost us Something
Few things might cost us Everything
Few things cost our Tears
Few things cost our Pain
Few things cost Heartbreak
Few things cost our Very Self

But just know that
Yes and Yes!!
We can Repair it all
We can Bounce back
We  can Make it up
We can Stand Once Again
We can Prove Ourself
We can Make it all
We can Rise & Shine

Life is all Yours
Give it a Meaning
Give it your Own Definition
Let people Remember You
For Who You Are!!

This term *It's Okay* is like Medicine, if you take it in positive way....
Also might become Poison if you take it for Granted...

Your life!! Your Choices!! Your rules!!

My year 2018: what it gave & took away

It took away all my Fear of failure
It took away my Ego
It took away my Pain from the Past
It healed the sores of my foot when I travelled through rough paths...
It stitched all the scattered pieces of my Dreams
It collected the Lost Hopes of Life
It gave Form to the broken pieces of my Heart
It gave strength to my wings to soar high
It threw light on the writer in me
It Helped me forget nightmares of life
It taught me to forgive people who hurted me
It taught me to let go, all baggage of grudge, hurt & bitterness...
It taught me life lessons when the most trusted ones tested my goodness

But know that, those things happened when I've accepted to travel through 
The most uneven paths
To the scariest places
To the clifftops & valleys
To the deep darknes
To the depths of bitterness 
To utter calmness

Through Anxiety 
Through Depression 
Through Loneliness 
Through Failures
Through all hurdles of life

Gathered all dried-up memories
Lit the fire
To ignite
To be the light
Shining like a twinkling Star up in the sky

And today I've something to tell you...
Train your brain
That you are all strong, courageous
And you can face life no matter what!!
That You are conqueror
And you are King of your life...
Just don't receive or accept anything less than excellent
Cos you deserve the Best

Just leave all the baggage
Just forgive everyone
Not because they deserve 
But because you are the best

The one, whom you loved the most
Might have left you all alone
With whom you have dreamt rest of you life
Kicked you out and went away
Someone you trusted the most
Might have cheated on you...
Still, just forgive

When your destiny is waiting for you
When it is calling you
When it is excited to meet you
Why do you stop
Somewhere in the middle
Just *Move on*
Fill yourself with Newness...
And Move on....

The Dark Room!

When you are so tired
Of crawling with all the Heaviness of past
Of all those Bitter Experiences
Those Failures
Those Sad Memories
And that Story Floating in Tears
When you are so tired
Just Lock them up
In a "Dark Room"
And let the Light of Hope shine on You
To rise & run

Not everyone Deserves
To know about 
Or to see that secret world of yours
And you need not open it for everyone

It's your time to catch the speed
It's your time to run
Just move on!!!

Treasure Hunt!

The Best Day of my life is the Day 
This thought popped in my mind
That ""Life is all mine""
Yes it's all Mine
I own it, to Live!
I own it for myself
I'm Unique and I'm Masterpiece

I need not to Act
I need not to Hide
I need not to Convince Someone
I need not to Wear some Mask

And this thought drove me Deep into Myself
Made me Feel Lighter & Fly High...

Here I am
To Navigate you
Through my Words
Sculpted by my Experiences...

Come let's go for a "Treasure Hunt"
Just "Jump In"
The "Treasure is in You"
The "Fullness of Life is in U"
Come let's find....