Our Destiny is not Decided
by the Winds or Waves
We've got Strength to move Against the Flow
to reach our Destiny...
to meet our Purpose....
But on a Stormy Day
When the Strength in us is no more Sufficient...
to move ahead....
Then just Go with the Flow....
Because we can't stop the Storm...
Or could change the direction of Wind
And we don't want to get Lost....
So just Go with the Flow!!
It might cause a Bit Delay
But not the End...
Don't get Stuck...
Just Move On!!!!!
#life #strom #moveon
I had many Colors in Me
And I've got many Shades of Me
I had my Own Style
And I deal with Different People in Different Manner
If you say I'm Acting
I say it's Art of Living
If you say it's Attitude
I say it's Savage
If you say it's Ugly
I say I'm Rainbow
If you say I'm Wrong
I say there is no such thing called Perfection
If you say it's Bad
I say it's an Illusion
Just know that...
Someone's Opinion
Won't decide Our Character!!
Someone's Tag Line
Won't decide Our Worth!!
Someone's Story
Won't Decide Our Reality!!
You gave me Unconditional Love
But I gave you conditional yes to Your calling
You gave me Life
But I choose death
You gave me Good
But I choose Evil
You gave me Freedom
But I choose Bondage
You gave me Wisdom
But I choose Foolishness
You gave me Light
But I choose Darkness to dwell
You gave me Heaven
But I choose the World
And there came a day
Where all my choices
Threw me into the Pit
Into Vanity
Into Confusion
Where all my illusions got burst
And put me infront of nude Reality
That broke my Heart
Covered me with guilt and condemnation
Left me barren
Where I couldn't forgive myself
Or accept myself for who I am
Even death got no solution for me
That moment when my soul was wandering
Of no meaning & no destiny
When it is weeping within it
At that moment I could hear a silent whisper of Yours
Saying that "My child I love you"
And your Destiny is in me
You've helped me find
The Fullness of Life
The Bliss of Life
The Perfect Happiness
Which you've kept within me....
How good You are!!
Above all the Heavens
God there's no one like You!!